Tests 0 failed / 0 succeeded
Started2020-02-18 16:39
Refs master:ac5019ac
repos{u'': u'master:ac5019ac97c7999f0f7025c1cc1240afc91b6437,2067:c7dd06a8d009a49ffa6c666ce7b6b84d481b0ed9'}

No Test Failures!

Error lines from build-log.txt

... skipping 93 lines ...
I0218 16:40:04.936] --------------------------------
I0218 16:40:04.937] ---- Linting the yaml files ----
I0218 16:40:04.938] --------------------------------
I0218 16:40:04.967] ===============================
I0218 16:40:04.968] ==== RUNNING GOLANGCI-LINT ====
I0218 16:40:04.968] ===============================
I0218 16:45:06.656] level=error msg="Running error: context loading failed: no go files to analyze"
I0218 16:45:06.660] level=error msg="Timeout exceeded: try increase it by passing --timeout option"
I0218 16:45:06.771] ============================
I0218 16:45:06.771] ==== BUILD TESTS FAILED ====
I0218 16:45:06.772] ============================
W0218 16:45:06.873] Run: ('/workspace/./test-infra/jenkins/../scenarios/../hack/',)
E0218 16:45:09.102] Command failed
I0218 16:45:09.108] process 466 exited with code 1 after 5.3m
E0218 16:45:09.110] FAIL: pull-tekton-pipeline-build-tests
I0218 16:45:09.112] Call:  gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/etc/test-account/service-account.json
W0218 16:45:12.093] Activated service account credentials for: []
I0218 16:45:12.179] process 5360 exited with code 0 after 0.1m
I0218 16:45:12.179] Call:  gcloud config get-value account
I0218 16:45:13.123] process 5373 exited with code 0 after 0.0m
I0218 16:45:13.123] Will upload results to gs://tekton-prow/pr-logs using
I0218 16:45:13.124] Upload result and artifacts...
I0218 16:45:13.127] Gubernator results at
I0218 16:45:13.130] Call:  gsutil ls gs://tekton-prow/pr-logs/pull/tektoncd_pipeline/2067/pull-tekton-pipeline-build-tests/1229807476241600513/artifacts
W0218 16:45:15.509] CommandException: One or more URLs matched no objects.
E0218 16:45:15.829] Command failed
I0218 16:45:15.829] process 5386 exited with code 1 after 0.0m
W0218 16:45:15.833] Remote dir gs://tekton-prow/pr-logs/pull/tektoncd_pipeline/2067/pull-tekton-pipeline-build-tests/1229807476241600513/artifacts not exist yet
I0218 16:45:15.833] Call:  gsutil -m -q -o GSUtil:use_magicfile=True cp -r -c -z log,txt,xml /workspace/_artifacts gs://tekton-prow/pr-logs/pull/tektoncd_pipeline/2067/pull-tekton-pipeline-build-tests/1229807476241600513/artifacts
I0218 16:45:19.738] process 5529 exited with code 0 after 0.1m
W0218 16:45:19.744] metadata path /workspace/_artifacts/metadata.json does not exist
W0218 16:45:19.745] metadata not found or invalid, init with empty metadata
... skipping 22 lines ...