Tests 0 failed / 0 succeeded
Started2024-11-18 16:10
Refs 8393

No Test Failures!

Error lines from build-log.txt

... skipping 258 lines ...
2024/11/18 16:12:17 Building for linux/amd64
2024/11/18 16:12:17 git is in a dirty state
Please check in your pipeline what can be changing the following files:
?? kind.yaml

2024/11/18 16:12:17 Building for linux/amd64
Error: error processing import paths in "config/resolvers/resolvers-deployment.yaml": error resolving image references: build: go build: exit status 1: #
pkg/resolution/resolver/bundle/bundle.go:19:2: "errors" imported and not used

ERROR: Pipeline image resolve failed
***         E2E TEST FAILED         ***
***    Start of information dump    ***
>>> All resources:
NAMESPACE            NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system          pod/coredns-5dd5756b68-jk5p5                     1/1     Running   0          4m11s
kube-system          pod/coredns-5dd5756b68-tvc56                     1/1     Running   0          4m11s
... skipping 170 lines ...
metallb-system       3m54s       Normal    Scheduled                 pod/speaker-ks5rh                                Successfully assigned metallb-system/speaker-ks5rh to kind-worker3
metallb-system       3m53s       Normal    Pulling                   pod/speaker-ks5rh                                Pulling image ""
metallb-system       3m38s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/speaker-ks5rh                                Successfully pulled image "" in 15.005s (15.005s including waiting)
metallb-system       3m38s       Normal    Created                   pod/speaker-ks5rh                                Created container speaker
metallb-system       3m37s       Normal    Started                   pod/speaker-ks5rh                                Started container speaker
metallb-system       4m1s        Normal    Scheduled                 pod/speaker-qz2qj                                Successfully assigned metallb-system/speaker-qz2qj to kind-worker
metallb-system       4m          Warning   FailedMount               pod/speaker-qz2qj                                MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-dm2qf" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
metallb-system       3m59s       Normal    Pulling                   pod/speaker-qz2qj                                Pulling image ""
metallb-system       3m44s       Normal    Pulled                    pod/speaker-qz2qj                                Successfully pulled image "" in 14.698s (14.698s including waiting)
metallb-system       3m44s       Normal    Created                   pod/speaker-qz2qj                                Created container speaker
metallb-system       3m43s       Normal    Started                   pod/speaker-qz2qj                                Started container speaker
metallb-system       4m1s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate          daemonset/speaker                                Created pod: speaker-8twsh
metallb-system       4m1s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate          daemonset/speaker                                Created pod: speaker-qz2qj
metallb-system       4m          Normal    SuccessfulCreate          daemonset/speaker                                Created pod: speaker-7ksq7
metallb-system       3m54s       Normal    SuccessfulCreate          daemonset/speaker                                Created pod: speaker-ks5rh
***         E2E TEST FAILED         ***
***     End of information dump     ***
+ set +o xtrace
Cleaning up after docker in docker.
... skipping 4 lines ...