Tests 0 failed / 0 succeeded
Started2025-01-22 12:33 UTC
Refs 8469

No Test Failures!

Error lines from build-log.txt

... skipping 2183 lines ...
go: downloading v0.0.0-20240102092130-5ac0b6a4141c
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200823014737-9f7001d12a5f
Generating OpenAPI specification for v1alpha1 ...
unknown flag: --input-dirs
Usage of /tmp/go-build664014745/b001/exe/openapi-gen:
      --add_dir_header                   If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages
      --alsologtostderr                  log to standard error as well as files (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
      --go-header-file string            the path to a file containing boilerplate header text; the string "YEAR" will be replaced with the current 4-digit year
      --log_backtrace_at traceLocation   when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
      --log_dir string                   If non-empty, write log files in this directory (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
      --log_file string                  If non-empty, use this log file (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
      --log_file_max_size uint           Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to (no effect when -logtostderr=true). Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800)
      --logtostderr                      log to standard error instead of files (default true)
      --one_output                       If true, only write logs to their native severity level (vs also writing to each lower severity level; no effect when -logtostderr=true)
      --output-dir string                the base directory under which to generate results
      --output-file string               the name of the file to be generated (default "generated.openapi.go")
      --output-pkg string                the base Go import-path under which to generate results
  -r, --report-filename string           Name of report file used by API linter to print API violations. Default "-" stands for standard output. NOTE that if valid filename other than "-" is specified, API linter won't return error on detected API violations. This allows further check of existing API violations without stopping the OpenAPI generation toolchain. (default "-")
      --skip_headers                     If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
      --skip_log_headers                 If true, avoid headers when opening log files (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
      --stderrthreshold severity         logs at or above this threshold go to stderr when writing to files and stderr (no effect when -logtostderr=true or -alsologtostderr=true) (default 2)
  -v, --v Level                          number for the log level verbosity
      --vmodule moduleSpec               comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
unknown flag: --input-dirs
exit status 2
---- Checking for forbidden licenses ----
+ set +o xtrace