Tests 0 failed / 0 succeeded
Started2025-01-23 15:06
Refs 8522

No Test Failures!

Error lines from build-log.txt

... skipping 10528 lines ...
test/util.go:37:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
test/util.go:38:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	_ "" // Mysteriously by k8s libs, or they fail to create `KubeClient`s when using oidc authentication. Apparently just importing it is enough. @_@ side effects @_@.
test/util.go:39:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	_ ""
test/util.go:40:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
... skipping 5 lines ...
test/util.go:43:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	knativetest ""
test/util.go:44:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	"" // Mysteriously by k8s libs, or they fail to create `KubeClient`s from config. Apparently just importing it is enough. @_@ side effects @_@.
test/util.go:45:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
test/util.go:46:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
... skipping 251 lines ...
	metav1 ""
test/ignore_task_error_test.go:33:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	knativetest ""
test/init_test.go:30:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	_ "" // Mysteriously by k8s libs, or they fail to create `KubeClient`s when using oidc authentication. Apparently just importing it is enough. @_@ side effects @_@.
test/init_test.go:31:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	_ ""
test/init_test.go:32:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	knativetest ""
... skipping 583 lines ...
test/workspace_test.go:32:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
	knativetest ""
test/workspace_test.go:33:2: import '' is not allowed from list 'Main' (depguard)
pkg/resolution/common/errors.go:61:2: the sentinel error name `ErrorRequestInProgress` should conform to the `ErrXxx` format (errname)
	ErrorRequestInProgress = ErrRequestInProgress
pkg/resolution/common/errors.go:75:6: the error type name `ErrorInvalidResourceKey` should conform to the `XxxError` format (errname)
type ErrorInvalidResourceKey = InvalidResourceKeyError
pkg/resolution/common/errors.go:99:6: the error type name `ErrorInvalidRequest` should conform to the `XxxError` format (errname)
type ErrorInvalidRequest = InvalidRequestError
pkg/resolution/common/errors.go:118:6: the error type name `ErrorGettingResource` should conform to the `XxxError` format (errname)
type ErrorGettingResource = GetResourceError
pkg/resolution/common/errors.go:141:6: the error type name `ErrorUpdatingRequest` should conform to the `XxxError` format (errname)
type ErrorUpdatingRequest = UpdatingRequestError
pkg/remote/errors.go:31:2: the sentinel error name `ErrorRequestInProgress` should conform to the `ErrXxx` format (errname)
	ErrorRequestInProgress = ErrRequestInProgress
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/controller.go:156:2: the sentinel error name `ErrorMissingTypeSelector` should conform to the `ErrXxx` format (errname)
	ErrorMissingTypeSelector = ErrMissingTypeSelector
cmd/entrypoint/subcommands/subcommands.go:35:6: the error type name `SubcommandSuccessful` should conform to the `XxxError` format (errname)
type SubcommandSuccessful = OK
pkg/remote/resolution/error.go:33:2: the sentinel error name `ErrorRequestedResourceIsNil` should conform to the `ErrXxx` format (errname)
	ErrorRequestedResourceIsNil = ErrNilResource
pkg/remote/resolution/error.go:45:6: the error type name `ErrorInvalidRuntimeObject` should conform to the `XxxError` format (errname)
type ErrorInvalidRuntimeObject = InvalidRuntimeObjectError
pkg/remote/resolution/error.go:77:6: the error type name `ErrorAccessingData` should conform to the `XxxError` format (errname)
type ErrorAccessingData = DataAccessError
pkg/apis/pipeline/v1/matrix_types.go:186:4: can be replaced by maps.Copy() (exptostd)
			maps.Copy(newCombination, combination)
pkg/apis/pipeline/v1/matrix_types.go:22:2: Import statement '' can be replaced by 'maps' (exptostd)
... skipping 144 lines ...
pkg/pod/status_test.go:2361:12: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/events/event_test.go:112:13: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/events/cloudevent/cloud_event_controller_test.go:109:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/events/cloudevent/cloud_event_controller_test.go:226:13: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/events/k8sevent/event_test.go:183:13: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/events/k8sevent/event_test.go:240:13: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/events/k8sevent/event_test.go:266:13: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/pipelinerun_test.go:2691:21: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/pipelinerun_test.go:3472:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/pipelinerun_test.go:3590:12: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/pipelinerun_test.go:6785:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/pipelinerun_test.go:6793:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
... skipping 2 lines ...
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/pipelinerun_test.go:6820:12: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/pipelinerun_test.go:8253:20: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/pipelinerunresolution_test.go:2535:13: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply_test.go:3329:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
... skipping 14 lines ...
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply_test.go:4305:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:621:12: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:962:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:1116:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:1455:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:2472:12: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:2571:12: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:2644:12: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:2863:15: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:3066:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Errorf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:5119:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:5223:14: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Fatalf (govet)
... skipping 44 lines ...
test/util.go:83:9: printf: non-constant format string in call to (*testing.common).Logf (govet)
pkg/resolution/common/interface.go:36:9: interface method Submit must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	Submit(context.Context, ResolverName, Request) (ResolvedResource, error)
pkg/resolution/common/interface.go:36:26: interface method Submit must have named param for type ResolverName (inamedparam)
	Submit(context.Context, ResolverName, Request) (ResolvedResource, error)
pkg/resolution/common/interface.go:36:40: interface method Submit must have named param for type Request (inamedparam)
	Submit(context.Context, ResolverName, Request) (ResolvedResource, error)
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:33:13: interface method Initialize must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	Initialize(context.Context) error
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:36:10: interface method GetName must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	GetName(context.Context) string
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:40:14: interface method GetSelector must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	GetSelector(context.Context) map[string]string
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:44:17: interface method ValidateParams must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	ValidateParams(context.Context, []pipelinev1.Param) error
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:44:34: interface method ValidateParams must have all named params (inamedparam)
	ValidateParams(context.Context, []pipelinev1.Param) error
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:52:10: interface method Resolve must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	Resolve(context.Context, []pipelinev1.Param) (ResolvedResource, error)
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:52:27: interface method Resolve must have all named params (inamedparam)
	Resolve(context.Context, []pipelinev1.Param) (ResolvedResource, error)
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:69:16: interface method GetConfigName must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	GetConfigName(context.Context) string
pkg/resolution/resolver/framework/interface.go:91:23: interface method GetResolutionTimeout must have named param for type context.Context (inamedparam)
	GetResolutionTimeout(context.Context, time.Duration) time.Duration
... skipping 2 lines ...
	GetResolutionTimeout(context.Context, time.Duration) time.Duration
pkg/credentials/initialize.go:56:22: interface method MatchingAnnotations must have all named params (inamedparam)
	MatchingAnnotations(*corev1.Secret) []string
pkg/credentials/initialize.go:59:8: interface method Write must have named param for type string (inamedparam)
	Write(string) error
cmd/entrypoint/subcommands/subcommands_test.go:40:15: avoid allocations with (*os.File).WriteString (mirror)
	if _, err := srcFile.Write([]byte(helloWorldBase64)); err != nil {
pkg/credentials/initialize_test.go:100:9: avoid allocations with (*os.File).WriteString (mirror)
	_, _ = cred.Write([]byte(credContents))
... skipping 539 lines ...
		wantError:        fmt.Errorf("must be one of the form 1). \"tasks.<taskName>.results.<resultName>\"; 2). \"tasks.<taskName>.results.<objectResultName>.<individualAttribute>\""),
pkg/pod/creds_init.go:109:69: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			name := names.SimpleNameGenerator.RestrictLengthWithRandomSuffix(fmt.Sprintf("tekton-internal-secret-volume-%s", sanitizedName))
pkg/pod/creds_init.go:162:11: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			return fmt.Errorf("TaskRun validation failed. Git SSH Secret must have \"known_hosts\" included " +
pkg/pod/pod.go:550:21: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
		containerPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s-", containerPrefix)
pkg/pod/script.go:220:43: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with faster strconv.Itoa (perfsprint)
			MountPath: filepath.Join(debugInfoDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)),
pkg/pod/status.go:579:11: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			return fmt.Sprintf("init container failed, %s", msg)
pkg/pod/pod_test.go:1781:17: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			wantPodName: fmt.Sprintf("%s-pod-retry2", taskRunName),
pkg/pod/pod_test.go:2353:20: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			expectedName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-pod", testTaskRunName)
... skipping 95 lines ...
		expectedError:   fmt.Errorf("invalid pipelineresults [foo], the referenced results don't exist"),
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply_test.go:4291:20: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		expectedError:   fmt.Errorf("invalid pipelineresults [foo], the referenced results don't exist"),
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/pipelineref_test.go:1218:29: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
	resolvedUnsigned.DataErr = fmt.Errorf("resolution error")
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/pipelineref_test.go:1364:15: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer is nil")
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/validate_params_test.go:632:13: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		expected: fmt.Errorf("non-existent param references:[$(params.first-param[2]) $(params.second-param[2])]"),
... skipping 23 lines ...
		expected: fmt.Errorf("non-existent param references:[$(params[\"first.param\"][2]) $(params[\"second/param\"][2]) $(params['fourth/param'][2]) $(params['third.param'][2])]"),
pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/validate_params_test.go:821:13: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		expected: fmt.Errorf("non-existent param references:[$(params.first-param[2]) $(params.second-param[3])]"),
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:1654:37: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		prepareError                    = fmt.Errorf("1 error occurred:\n\t* error when listing tasks for taskRun test-taskrun-run-retry-prepare-failure: \"test-task\" not found")
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:1719:24: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		reconciliatonError = fmt.Errorf("1 error occurred:\n\t* Provided results don't match declared results; may be invalid JSON or missing result declaration:  \"aResult\": task result is expected to be \"array\" type but was initialized to a different type \"string\"")
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:3860:26: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
	expectedReplacedArgs := fmt.Sprintf("replacedArgs - %s", expectedMountPath)
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:5871:33: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
		stepNames = append(stepNames, fmt.Sprintf("step-%s",
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:5900:28: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			Name:                   fmt.Sprintf("step-%s",,
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:6116:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
	expectedErr := fmt.Errorf("1 error occurred:\n\t* param `param1` value: invalid is not in the enum list")
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:6278:21: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		expectedError:    fmt.Errorf("1 error occurred:\n\t* Provided results don't match declared results; may be invalid JSON or missing result declaration:  \"aResult\": task result is expected to be \"array\" type but was initialized to a different type \"string\", \"objectResult\": task result is expected to be \"object\" type but was initialized to a different type \"string\""),
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:6284:21: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		expectedError:    fmt.Errorf("1 error occurred:\n\t* missing keys for these results which are required in TaskResult's properties map[objectResult:[commit]]"),
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/taskrun_test.go:6964:15: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer is nil")
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/validate_taskrun_test.go:945:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("param `p1` value: v4 is not in the enum list"),
... skipping 2 lines ...
			wantErr: fmt.Errorf("must specify namespace to resolve reference to task simple"),
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/resources/taskref_test.go:436:13: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			wantErr: fmt.Errorf("must specify namespace to resolve reference to step action simple"),
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/resources/taskref_test.go:1582:29: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
	resolvedUnsigned.DataErr = fmt.Errorf("resolution error")
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/resources/taskref_test.go:1691:15: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer is nil")
pkg/reconciler/taskrun/resources/taskspec_test.go:950:18: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		expectedError: fmt.Errorf("must specify namespace to resolve reference to step action stepActionError"),
... skipping 26 lines ...
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf(`cannot parse url : parse "": empty url`),
pkg/resolution/resolver/http/resolver_test.go:97:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf(`missing required http resolver params: url`),
pkg/resolution/resolver/http/resolver_test.go:132:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf(`error parsing timeout value xxx: time: invalid duration "xxx"`),
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver.go:240:14: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return "", fmt.Errorf("default Tekton Hub catalog was not set during installation of the hub resolver")
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver.go:243:14: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return "", fmt.Errorf("default Artifact Hub task catalog was not set during installation of the hub resolver")
... skipping 11 lines ...
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("default type was not set during installation of the hub resolver")
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver.go:419:16: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("default resource kind was not set during installation of the hub resolver")
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver_test.go:71:18: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr:  fmt.Errorf("failed to validate params: please configure TEKTON_HUB_API env variable to use tekton type"),
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver_test.go:304:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("no version found for constraint >= 0.2.0"),
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver_test.go:321:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("no version found for constraint >= 0.2.0"),
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver_test.go:559:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("fail to fetch Tekton Hub resource: error unmarshalling json response: invalid character 'v' looking for beginning of value"),
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver_test.go:568:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("fail to fetch Tekton Hub resource: error unmarshalling json response: unexpected end of JSON input"),
pkg/resolution/resolver/hub/resolver_test.go:577:17: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
			expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("fail to fetch Artifact Hub resource: error unmarshalling json response: unexpected end of JSON input"),
pkg/trustedresources/verify_test.go:555:15: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer is nil")
test/remote.go:107:14: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return "", fmt.Errorf("could not push example image to registry")
test/trustedresources.go:269:15: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer is nil")
test/trustedresources.go:358:15: fmt.Errorf can be replaced with errors.New (perfsprint)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("fail to get password")
test/util.go:92:13: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
		header(t, fmt.Sprintf("Dumping objects from %s", namespace))
test/util.go:99:13: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
		header(t, fmt.Sprintf("Dumping logs from Pods in the %s", namespace))
... skipping 5 lines ...
	customRunList, err := c.V1beta1CustomRunClient.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: fmt.Sprintf("", pipelineRun.Name)})
test/hermetic_taskrun_test.go:60:26: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			regularTaskRunName := fmt.Sprintf("not-hermetic-%s", test.desc)
test/hermetic_taskrun_test.go:72:27: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			hermeticTaskRunName := fmt.Sprintf("hermetic-should-fail-%s", test.desc)
test/matrix_test.go:366:90: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
	actualTaskrunList, err := c.V1TaskRunClient.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: fmt.Sprintf("", prName)})
test/pipelinerun_test.go:121:92: fmt.Sprintf can be replaced with string concatenation (perfsprint)
			actualTaskrunList, err := c.V1TaskRunClient.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: fmt.Sprintf("", prName)})
... skipping 397 lines ...
pkg/entrypoint/entrypointer_test.go:1060:17: os.MkdirTemp() could be replaced by t.TempDir() in createTmpDir (usetesting)
	tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", name)
pkg/apis/config/feature_flags.go:137:1: directive `//nolint:musttag` is unused for linter "musttag" (nolintlint)
make: *** [Makefile:177: golangci-lint-check] Error 1
+ set +o xtrace