Tests 7 failed / 35 succeeded
Started2022-06-24 15:43
Refs 64

Test Failures

gitresolver/pkg/git TestController 1.09s

go run hack/e2e.go -v --test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=gitresolver\/pkg\/git\sTestController$'
from junit_7AurO9Bz.xml

gitresolver/pkg/git TestController/file_does_not_exist 0.16s

go run hack/e2e.go -v --test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=gitresolver\/pkg\/git\sTestController\/file\_does\_not\_exist$'
    resolver_test.go:445: expected to get error error getting "Git" "foo/rr": error opening file "foo/bar/some other file": file does not exist, but got error getting "Git" "foo/rr": Default Branch was not set during installation of the git resolver.
				from junit_7AurO9Bz.xml

Filter through log files

gitresolver/pkg/git TestController/single_commit 0.16s

go run hack/e2e.go -v --test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=gitresolver\/pkg\/git\sTestController\/single\_commit$'
    resolver_test.go:445: did not expect an error, but got error getting "Git" "foo/rr": Default Branch was not set during installation of the git resolver.
				from junit_7AurO9Bz.xml

Filter through log files

gitresolver/pkg/git TestResolve 1.70s

go run hack/e2e.go -v --test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=gitresolver\/pkg\/git\sTestResolve$'
from junit_7AurO9Bz.xml

gitresolver/pkg/git TestResolve/file_does_not_exist 0.05s

go run hack/e2e.go -v --test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=gitresolver\/pkg\/git\sTestResolve\/file\_does\_not\_exist$'
    resolver_test.go:237: expected err 'error opening file "foo/bar/some other file": file does not exist' but got 'Default Branch was not set during installation of the git resolver.'
				from junit_7AurO9Bz.xml

Filter through log files

gitresolver/pkg/git TestResolve/single_commit 0.86s

go run hack/e2e.go -v --test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=gitresolver\/pkg\/git\sTestResolve\/single\_commit$'
    resolver_test.go:241: unexpected error resolving: Default Branch was not set during installation of the git resolver.
				from junit_7AurO9Bz.xml

Filter through log files

gitresolver/pkg/git TestValidateParamsMissing 0.00s

go run hack/e2e.go -v --test --test_args='--ginkgo.focus=gitresolver\/pkg\/git\sTestValidateParamsMissing$'
    resolver_test.go:77: expected missing url err
				from junit_7AurO9Bz.xml

Filter through log files

Show 35 Passed Tests